Reclaim His Name

Have the people who call themselves Christians lost the plot and forgotten the teachings of Jesus Christ? This question pierces the heart of faith today, summoning us to a journey of authenticity and deep reflection. Today, the name of Jesus is often co-opted by those seeking personal gain or to endorse their political ideologies. But…

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Who Is Jesus?

Allow me to share with you the essence of a man whose life has become a beacon for countless souls seeking purpose, direction, and understanding. This man, Jesus of Nazareth, walked among us, his journey marked not by grandeur but by humility, his legacy not in towering monuments but in the hearts he touched and…

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Welcome Fellow Travelers

Welcome, fellow travelers. As we traverse the vast expanse of life’s mysteries, many of us seek the guiding light of enduring truth. Among the legends and tales, one figure — Jesus — resonates with a unique and profound depth. However, over the ages, layers of interpretation and misconception have often obscured our view. On this…

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The Book of Genesis Isn’t What You Think it is

Many approach Genesis as a straightforward literal and historical record of the Earth’s beginnings— a series of divine commands executed over six days. However, Genesis 1 is far more than meets the eye. The beginning of Genesis uses a structured, poetic form typical of ancient Hebrew literature, which serves a deeper purpose than simply marking…

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Breaking Through The Chains of Bitterness

Dear Beloved, I see the weight of bitterness that shadows your heart, clouding the bright moments of your days with the dull hues of past hurts. My child, through these words, I reach out to you, desiring to lift this heavy yoke from your shoulders and to breathe new life into your weary spirit. Bitterness…

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Jesus Says: I Know What You’re Worth

In the eyes of the world, value is often counted in currencies and accomplishments, the tangible badges of success. We chase after these markers, sometimes losing ourselves in the pursuit, forgetting our intrinsic worth. But what does Jesus say about our worth? It is a question worth exploring, a truth worth understanding. You — right…

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You Are Not Unseen or Unloved

My Beloved Child, I know the depth of your heart, the silent tears you’ve cried, and the thoughts that stir so restlessly in your mind at night. I understand the ache you carry, feeling unnoticed and unappreciated for who you truly are. Today, I write to you not from a place unreachable, but right beside…

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How Do Your Choices Fit God’s Plan?

Have you ever wondered about the impact of your choices and how they fit within the larger context of life? It’s a complex interplay between our freedom to make decisions and the overarching plan that God unfolds. God, in His infinite wisdom, has a plan that encompasses all of time and creation. While we do…

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Read This When You Feel Unsure of Yourself

My Beloved Child, As you pause to read this letter, know that I am with you, closer than the very breath you take. I understand the waves of uncertainty that have been washing over your heart, and I see the burden of doubt you’ve been carrying. In moments like these, when the path before you…

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Searching for Truth in Today’s World

Have you ever paused to think about who shapes your views and influences your decisions? Every day, we navigate a sea of opinions, often adopting ideas as our own without questioning their origins. But what if we started listening with more discernment? In a society teeming with information, discerning the truth can often feel like…

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